Saturday, February 13, 2016

Atwater Brewery: A pleasant surprise, Jenga, and stupid shootouts

Atwater Brewery is located at 237 Joseph Campau, Detroit

New look to an old place.

After visiting one of Detroit’s many classic church fish frys (there is a column unto itself). I decided to try to live a little and celebrate the first Friday in Lent the only way I know how – drinking. (After Stations of the Cross – no really an, old Polish lady conned me into doing it because she gave an extra piece of cake, no lie).

I wanted to hit up my new(ish) adopted Rivertown Neighborhood, but the bar I thought I would frequent turned out to be just a sit-down restaurant, so I ended up at Atwater Brewery, located here.

Atwater Brewery, located because it’s on Atwater Street and close to the Detroit River, is a classic Detroit brewery for all the beer snob aficionados. I’ve been there a few times in the stripped-down, industrial hall they serve beer in the same place they make it.

But tonight, much to my pleasant surprise, I stumbled upon an actual brewpub feel. Complete a bar, board games (including Jenga – more on that latter), tables and chairs and a complete brewpub craft food menu.

Holy shit, did I really just miss this place the last two times I visited here? What other clues have I missed?

Turn out, I’m not (that) crazy. Atwater Brewery just finished the new addition two months ago, adding a chill drinking scene to Detroit Eastside (the part of town that wasn’t devastated by the 1967 Riots, but at the same time is the not really a focus of the city’s revival). So it pretty much looks like 1967, for worse or better.

The place was hopping on a Friday Night, so I took a seat at the bar and ordered a Lager and took a seat.

Next to me was a man who worked as a security guard. He was on break, sipping from a glass of water and mowing down a burger that looked really good. (I didn’t order any food …. because you know, Lent). (Insert Catholic guilt here…. just know -- Lou Holtz is watching you).

The guard and I were shared a few words, commenting on Atwater’s improvements and the general optimism surrounding Detroit, and especially in the Rivertown District. We talked about the need for more places to attract young professionals – but how it’s all window dressing unless the city can figure out it’s education system. All in the schools, folks.

The guy’s break was over, so he checked out, and I ordered on of my personal favorite, the Dirty Blonde---I’m a big fan of German or German-style beer, not afraid to admit my biases.

I turned my attention towards the TV – holy crap, is KevinHart playing basketball. Turns out, the NBA All-Star Weekend is this weekend. But even better, the NBA hosted a Celebrity All-Star Game, and Kevin Hart was the point guard for a team.

Heck, this is better than normal NBA Basketball!! Brilliant idea, TNT.

While the game was happening, to my left I noticed a large room with a lot of people drinking and playing cornhole. I asked the bartenderess what was happening – she told me it was a private party.
Private party, meaning all the other plebs like me weren’t invited.

But outside the other room, Atwater Brewery offers a spacious environment. Plenty of room to watch one of the four TVs, and a dining area compliment with a chess board and other classic games, including Jenga.

While drinking my Dirty Blonde, I could see that just about everybody was in or group or celebrating some kind of Couples Night – hip, hip hooray for the writer by himself at the bar on a Friday Night.

The Red Wings were playing hated rival Colorado Avalanche, so I had that to pass the time when drinking by my lonesome self – thank the Lord of television, it really helps the socially awkward when we need it the most.

Pavel Datsyuk did his typically Pavel Datsyuk thing to tie it up 2-2 and send the game to overtime. Well, guys I will ordered a third.

I ordered the classic Atwater Purple Gang Pilsner – named after the Polish/Jewish gang based in Hamtramck that scared the crap out of Al Capone during the Prohibition Era.

While watching overtime, some dudes from the “cool kid party room” moved on over to the bar area for overtime. Turns out the VIP Room doesn’t have a TV…nerds.

I overheard one of the rather cute bartendress on how everything at Atwater, from the beer to the food and even the liquor, was made at the place. Now that’s impressive. To complement the new addition to the place, Atwater seemed to go out of its way to make it hyper-local. Not an original concept, but always nice – especially in a part of Detroit that really doesn’t receive a whole lot of attention.

After the five-minute overtime, the Wings and Avalanche went to a shootout (a complete crap way to decide the game, but Gary Bettman in his infinite wisdom doesn’t think fans like ties…because Gary Bettman thinks fans are morons…. did I ever tell you how much I hate Gary Bettman?)

Everyone was on the edge of their seats as Datsyuk (obviously) scored, then JENGA!!! Nearly scared the crap out of me, but apparently someone finally won at Jenga, with the giant blocks crashing down to the floor.

The entire brewery just stopped and starred at the group for a quick second, then went back to watching the game.

The Avalanche ended up pulling out the (superficial) win.

I went back to finishing by Purple Gang Pilsner, thinking Atwater has a solid beer lineup that might not be getting enough credit statewide.

All and all, I was super pleased with my Atwater experience. For a Friday night, the place wasn’t too backed, and the new addition is a nice touch.

I didn’t try out the food, again, Lent. So I have a good reason to comeback. Looks like a found my new local spot to go when I’m bored. All and all, good night.

But yeah, seriously screw Gary Bettman, shootouts aren’t even fun after seeing them for the 186th time.

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